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Help! I’m Hungry!

Usually by week 2 or 3 of a calorie deficit, we start to feel pretty hungry. Why? Our bodies are always fighting for homeostasis (to stay the same).  So when we start losing body fat, our body processes kick into gear to try and stop… Read More »Help! I’m Hungry!

What is motivation?

So motivation…it’s a tricky beast isn’t it?! Sometimes you’re so full of motivation you feel like you can reach all your goals and change the world! Other times, no matter what you do, you just can’t motivate yourself at all, and enter a spiral of… Read More »What is motivation?

Your environment always wins – How to set up your environment to support your habits

Meet Grace.

She’s in her early thirties, with a busy office job. She’s lately been finding she easily gets out of breath just from short walks, and is finding all her clothes feel too small for her. It’s making her lose confidence, and she really wants to start feeling in control of her health again.

Now, imagine a day in the life of Grace…

She wakes up with 30 minutes to get ready for work. She showers, dresses and throws her things into the car. She doesn’t have time to make breakfast or lunch, or even think about dinner. She stops off at a cafe on the way to work and orders a large mocha and a muffin which she eats in the car.

At work she has M&Ms with more coffee, and at lunchtime she ends up buying a large sandwich and coke from the closest cafe with some workmates. To get through the afternoon she buys some snacks from the vending machine, but she’s ravenous by home time.

On her drive home, she always passes a MacDonald’s and has kinda got in the habit of getting takeaways for dinner as she has nothing else prepared.

At home to unwind, she watches Netflix with a couple of glasses of wine and finishes off the day with a bowl of ice cream.

Now, can you picture…if Grace wants to improve her health and fitness and lose a bit of weight, she will be struggling against her environment?

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